Arranging booths layout on your Main Hall can be determined based on price point or in-booth activity. Featured booths appear first and the exhibitors booths below, with Pinned booths appearing at the top of that section. Think of how you want to arrange the booths before you get started!
Let's get started!
Simply login to your account and access your event's Virtual Village in Edit Mode. This will open up your Virtual Village landing page, which is the Main Stage. To access the Expo Hall with all the booths, click Expo Hall in the header link bar at the top.
Here, on the top right, you will see a green button to Manage Booths.
Click on the green Manage Booths button. Here, you can pin, feature, rearrange the order with the up and down arrows or drag and drop to the top or bottom.
To Rearrange Booths:
Click the up and down arrows on the booth you want to reorder. Hovering over these arrows tells you what they do.
From left to right they are:
- ⏫ Move all the way to the top of the section it's currently in
- 🔼 Move one up
- 🔽 Move one down
- ⏬ Move all the way to the bottom of the section it's currently in
You can also click and hold the mouse down on the booth you want to move, and drag it to wherever you want it to go -- this could mean reordering it within its own section, or dragging it in or out of the Featured and Pinned sections.
Remember to always click Save Changes in the upper right to save the changes you've made here and see it on your Main Hall!
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