Please note Important information: your order is required to be approved or confirmed by you before paying or completing paperwork. If you are not able to access the payment or paperwork, this means your order is pending approval by the event organizer or you need to confirm the order changes. Once a step has been completed, it will auto collapse. Simply click on the ^ icon to expand the section.
How to access Step 1 to view your order status
To view your order status, you can log into your account and then hover over your name in the top right corner and select "My Hub" from the menu that appears or click on the header link "My Hub to get to your Orders dashboard. Then click the blue "Manage Order" button see the Order Summary for the order you are working on.
An example image of the My Hub:
How to navigate through Step 1
An example image: Overview of step 1
1. NEEDS APPROVAL: this means you submitted your order and it is pending approval by the event organizer. The event organizer is responsible for reviewing your application and approving or rejecting it. Allow them time to get to this!
An example image of the status reflecting "NEEDS APPROVAL".
2. MODIFICATION APPROVAL NEEDED: this means you made changes to your order. Now that you modified your order, we send a notification to the event organizer to review and accept or decline the order changes. You will need to wait for the event organizer to update your order status accordingly. Until then, you won't be able to access the payment or paperwork section.
An example image of the status reflecting "MODIFICATION APPROVAL NEEDED".
3. CONFIRM ORDER: This means the event organizer created an order on your behalf. Click the blue "View Application" button to see what your order entails. You are required to review and approve the order by clicking on the blue "Confirm Order button" to move forward with the next step, processing payment (if applicable). If you don't accept the order, then simply reject it.
An example image of the status reflecting "CONFIRM ORDER".
4. CONFIRM ORDER CHANGES: this means the event organizer made changes to your order. View the order changes by clicking on the blue "View Application" button. Then accept or reject the order changes. This is required to get past step 1.
An example image of the status reflecting "CONFIRM ORDER CHANGES.
6. REJECTED: Oh no, the event organizer rejected your order. You are welcome to message them and ask for more details. Please feel free to browse our marketplace for other events near you!
Note if you submitted payment via credit card: When you initially submitted your order, at checkout you pre-authorized the payment. If your order was never approved, then the cc payment you pre-authorized was only placed on hold and would have dropped from your bank statement 1-3 days after your order was rejected. Payment would go from "pending" to "posted" once your order has been approved. So check again your bank statement to confirm this is correct.
An example image of the status reflecting "REJECTED.
5. APPROVED: PAY NOW: Congratulations - this means your order was approved by the event organizer. If you did not pre-authorize payment at checkout via credit card, then your order will say APPROVED: PAY NOW. If you did pre-authorize payment at checkout, then your order will say "APPROVED: PAID.
Note: once a step has been completed, it will collapse. Simply click on the ^ icon to expand the section.
An example image of the status reflecting "APPROVED: PAY NOW.
Congratulations, your order is approved!
If you have any questions regarding the status of your order or payment, please message the event directly by clicking the button "Message Event" in your order summary. Now let's move on to Step 2!
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