Please note Important information: your order is required to be approved by the event organizer or confirmed by you before paying. If you are not able to access the "Make a Payment" button, then this simply means your order is pending approval by the event organizer or you need to confirm the order. Go back to step 1 and complete this section! Once a step has been completed, it will auto collapse. Simply click on the ^ icon to expand the section.
By clicking the "Make a Payment" button, you will be redirected to the payment payment with the options for your event. Payment methods enabled vary on an event level and are set my the event organizer not EventHub. Please note for payments, you will not be able to switch your payment type from Credit Card to Check. You only be able to switch your payment type from Check to Credit Card.
How to access Step 2 to view your payment details
To view your invoice and make a payment, you can log into your eventhub.netaccount and then hover over your name in the top right corner and select "My Hub" from the menu that appears or click on the header link "My Hub" to get to your Orders dashboard. Then click the blue "Manage Order" button see the Order Summary for the order you are working on.
An example image of the My Hub:
How to navigate through Step 2
An example image: Overview of Step 2
1. Total: This is the total amount of your order.
An example image of where to locate the "TOTAL"
2. BALANCE DUE: This is the balance due (could be partial amount or full amount based on payment plan).
An example image of where to locate the "BALANCE DUE"
3. VIEW ORDER DETAILS: this is where you can see exactly what you ordered (or what the event ordered for you when they created the order on your behalf) by clicking the blue "View Order Details" button. Print or download your invoice/receipt on the Order Details page!
An example image of where to locate the "VIEW ORDER DETAILS"
4. MAKE A PAYMENT: this is the button you will click on to see what payment methods are allowed by the event which can vary from mailing in a check or processing payment via credit card. If you don't see a payment method as an option (e.g only credit card is available), then it is NOT an option! So process payment as indicated on the payment page. REMINDER: payment is enabled by the event organizer (not EventHub).
An example image of where to locate the "MAKE A PAYMENT"
5. MODIFY ADD-ONS: You can add or remove add-ons by clicking the blue "Modify Add-Ons" button. Modification orders are required to be approved by the event organizer. Once they approve your order changes, then your payment will be processed or prompted. Note: you can only modify your order's add-ons, so if you need to make changes to your booth, you will need to message the event with this request.
An example image of where to locate the "MODIFY ADD-ONS"
6. PAYMENT IS COMPLETE: you will know when your payment has been completed because the balance due will be $0 and the section will be collapsed with a green checkmark icon! Collapse or Expand the section by clicking on the ^ icon. Go ahead and try it, promise it won't bit
An example image of where to locate the "checkmark icon"
Congratulations, your payment is now complete!
If you have any questions regarding the payment options, the event provides, please message the event directly by selecting the button "Message Event" in your order summary. Now let's move on to Step 3!
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